Thursday, November 17, 2016

updates to reading list

At the meeting today we made two changes to the book reading schedule. Because A MAN CALLED OVE is still so backed up in the library we decided to move it to June. Donna recommended this new (2015) Jane Urquhart instead.

** A reminder that we are still waiting for Eileen's selection for February and that Dori is changing her selection for April.

January 19 - THE NIGHT STAGES by Jane Urquhart
Recommended by Donna and hosted by Cindy.
Image result for night stages

June 15 - A MAN CALLED OVE by Fredrik Backman (trans Henning Koch)
Recommended and hosted by Cindy.

Image result for a man called ove

Monday, November 14, 2016

More books

Sharan just sent me this note of the Antigua Book Club selections for 2017. Thought this would be interesting to share:
Here's a list of possible reads for 2017. Needless to say, we welcome any and all other suggestions. They ALL have at least 4 stars and are VERY different. The general consensus is to read the trilogy of Fredrik Backman, "A Man Called Ove", "My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry", and "Britt-Marie Was Here", to be discussed in late January.

"Lawrence In Arabia, the Making of the Modern Middle East" by Scott Anderson
"The Mandibler: A Family, 2029-2047" by Leonel Schriver
"A Tale for the Time Being" by Ruth Azeki
"The Sell-out" by Paul Beatty
"The Gift of Rain" by Tan Twan Eng
"A Separate Peace" by John Knowles
"Hard Red Spring" by Kelly Kerney
"Krakatora, the Day the World Exploted, August 27, 1883" by Simon Winchester