Monday, November 29, 2021

December Updates

 Our December meeting will be held by Zoom, hosted by Haifa at 12 noon Thursday, December 9th. Feel free to enjoy a lunch treat while you chat with the group.

 The book for discussion is THE SILENCE OF THE GIRLS by Pat Barker. Haifa will send a meeting ID, but be sure you have a Zoom membership (free) and remember your log-in ID, since more than one person could not use the usual access method on the Zoom link last week. After the first 40 minutes, log in again to the same link and Haifa will accept you for another 40 minutes.

 Bring suggestions for next year’s books. We have no January book listed. If you would prefer some lighter reading, now and again, these suggestions would be welcome, but keep in mind the discussion value of the subject matter.